Speaker Event December 2020
November 10, 2020
Speaker Event February 2021
January 20, 2021
Speaker Event December 2020
November 10, 2020
Speaker Event February 2021
January 20, 2021

200 CLUB

Last year the Scottish Jewish Archives Committee’s 200 club was again a sell out – thank you to all who bought tickets! During the past year we paid out £750 in prizes, including one £250 prize, two £100 prizes and twelve £25 prizes.

The new 200 club will start in January 2021. None of the arrangements have changed. The tickets cost £15 each, and you can purchase as many as you like. We will allocate the tickets on a first come first served basis until we have sold 200, and then close the club to new members.

Every number goes into every draw, so you can win more than once. The draws take place during our Open Days and Speaker Events, whether in person or online. The winners are advised by email and feature in our twice-yearly Newsletter, as well as occasionally being printed in the Jewish Telegraph.

Please complete the form  by 31st December 2020 for the coming year. We do need your support!


You can pay by cheque @ £15 per ticket, made payable to Scottish Jewish Archives Centre, – please send to SJAC, 129 Hill Street, Glasgow, G3 6UB (with details of whom it is from and what it is for),

Alternatively, if you would like to make a direct bank transfer, please apply to info@sjac.org.uk

You can also pay online via http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/charities/ScottishJewishArchivesCentre

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