Serving Their Country
Serving Their Country
March 11, 2021
Mark Gardner SJAC Event June 2021
Recording of Mark Gardner SJAC Zoom Event in June 2021
June 16, 2021

Recording of E. Randol Schoenberg SJAC Zoom Event in December 2020


“Woman in Gold” – the successful return of five Gustav Klimt paintings

E. Randol Schoenberg is an award-winning American lawyer, notably having represented Maria Altmann in “Republic of Austria v. Altmann,” resulting in the successful return of five Gustav Klimt paintings as depicted in the film Woman in Gold starring Helen Mirren.

Randy holds close personal ties to the Holocaust: all four of his grandparents escaped from Nazi Germany in World War II. Both of Randy’s grandfathers composed pieces in response to the tragedy of the Holocaust. Arnold Schoenberg wrote the piece, A Survivor from Warsaw (1947), while Eric Zeisl composed Requiem Ebraico (Hebrew Requiem) (1945).

For ten years, Mr. Schoenberg served as President of the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust at its award winning facilities in Pan Pacific Park. In addition to his tireless advocacy, Randy is an expert genealogy researcher. He works as a volunteer curator of, where he focuses on the family trees of Holocaust Survivors and their families and he is a Director of JewishGen.

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