Serving Their Country
Serving Their Country
March 11, 2021
Mark Gardner SJAC Event June 2021
Recording of Mark Gardner SJAC Zoom Event in June 2021
June 16, 2021

Recording of Rabbi Jeremy Rosen SJAC Zoom Event in February 2021


“Memories of Glasgow

Rabbi Rosen was born in Manchester in 1942 and moved with his family to Glasgow in 1943 when his father Kopul Rosen became the Communal Rabbi. After an education in Cambridge and Jerusalem, Jeremy became the Rabbi of Giffnock & Newlands Synagogue in 1968, where he spent three very happy and formative years. He left Glasgow to become headmaster of Carmel College, before moving to the Western Synagogue in London. He became the professor of the Faculty for Comparative Religion in Belgium and then moved to New York, where he is now, serving as the Rabbi of the small Persian Community in Manhattan.

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